
Collection Agencies Save The Average Household 479 Per Year

A recent survey by Ernst & Young and ACA International on the health of national and state economies in the U.S. shows that they continue to rely on the recovery of rightfully owed consumer debt.

This is where third-party debt collectors come into the picture, they are key in the recovery of debts and assisting the economy on the state and national levels.

Some of the key findings about third-party debt collectors from the survey are about job creation, outstanding debt and giving back.

When it came to job creation, the collection agencies directly employed more than 136,000 people, with a payroll of $6.4 billion.

With outstanding debt, third-party debt collectors received approximately 1 billion consumer accounts from creditor […]

Collection Advice for the New Year

Our customer service department works with clients on receivables and collections on a daily basis. Some advice they give our clients for this time of year is to make sure your bill is a priority for your customers.

During the holidays people tend to overextend themselves, and spend a lot of money, so there are a lot of bills out there. Also, with winter there are a lot of other expenses out there including snow removal and heating oil. It’s important to let your customers know that you expect to be paid before they make other financial commitments.

The longer a bill is out there the harder it is to collect. As time passes people prioritize their […]

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