
A personal approach during these times

By Derek:

Approximately four months ago, our company made the decision to close the office due to Covid-19, and provide all the employees with computers so they could continue to work from home. It was a drastic change at the time.  Everyone was uncertain of what the future held for us, as well as what issues may arise from the switch to working from home.  At first, it was a big adjustment for me. Calling people while you’re in an office surrounded by colleagues doing the same thing is one thing but sitting at your dining room table alone is quite another.

It took a little while to get used to making calls in silence instead […]

2020-07-14T09:42:25-04:00July 14th, 2020|Categories: Team APR|

Some of the nicest people I’ve ever met

By Austin:

I was hired at American Profit Recovery in October of 2019. Before this job I have never worked in an office setting.  I was either doing manual labor or just on my feet all day. When I first interviewed with Greg I honestly didn’t believe he could be a debt collector because he was too nice. Growing up, I experienced collectors calling my relatives regarding their past due debts, and (based on the stress they displayed) I developed this thought in my head that debt collectors are in fact not good people.

After meeting Greg, I thought I met the only nice collector there was in the world.  Then on my second interview I […]

2020-07-13T16:13:03-04:00July 13th, 2020|Categories: Team APR|

From Coworkers to Best Friends

By John C.

Back in March when the pandemic was starting to gather speed and we were sent home with our computer equipment to work, I had no idea what to expect. At first I was insanely excited, I remember asking about the WFH opportunities when I first started at American Profit Recovery and was a little bummed when I was informed that it wasn’t an option.

That was until I met my coworkers. […]

2020-11-01T13:22:42-05:00July 9th, 2020|Categories: Team APR|

Our Debt Collectors Get Compliments From Consumers

“You were very nice…You’re definitely nice to work with.  You definitely made the experience that much better.  Thank you.”

“Thank you very very much, you’ve been a huge help.”

“You don’t sound like a debt collector, you are too nice”

You read the title of this article correctly. Our collectors get complimented by the consumers they are calling on each and every day. Our collectors as we are sure you know, are calling people because they have not paid a bill on time, or paid it at all. And by the end of that call, many of them are thanking our staff for helping them get out of a tough situation. Not really what you’ve been […]

2020-12-22T08:47:50-05:00July 6th, 2020|Categories: Advice for Businesses, Team APR|

Why Diplomacy Works in Debt Collections

We are often asked by our new clients about the strategy we will employ to help them get paid and collect the money that is owed to them. Let’s face it, we are not the only collection agency out there so many businesses searching for a company to help with debt collections will want to understand how we might approach their customers differently to create some type of resolution.

The four founders of our company knew one thing was true. Demanding money from consumers with no regard for their situation was never going to produce any worthwhile results. In fact, they knew it would eventually backfire. It can go wrong in several ways. First, it can […]

2020-07-09T13:03:46-04:00June 23rd, 2020|Categories: Advice for Businesses, Collection|Tags: , |

A Place with Endless Opportunities

By Sabrine:

After graduation, I applied for several different positions until I received a phone call from American Profit Recovery (APR). I had no schema of the collection industry or what the position entailed until I walked into the doors and it was explained thoroughly. To sum it up, a day as a collection specialist here consists of helping consumers pay their debts with a customer service approach. The clients we work for who own small businesses expect us to treat their clients with respect, so that when they are no longer struggling financially, they will continue to do business with them. As a millennial, my main concern was to find a career that offers […]

2020-09-17T10:55:26-04:00June 16th, 2020|Categories: Team APR|

The case for continued communication with consumers

As with any major crisis, some industries get crushed and some do well. Depending on what you consult on, manufacture or supply will somewhat dictate how your industry will weather any crisis. As we have seen with the COVID-19 crisis, many businesses have been designated essential and many have had to shut their doors which has created a crisis of its own for many across the country. For many industries, this has caused damage to their operation that will take a long time to overcome.

Take a lawncare company for example. Many had already been working hard to fire up operations for the season. Conducting spring cleanups and getting yards ready for a long enjoyable season. […]

2021-01-31T15:00:27-05:00May 25th, 2020|Categories: Advice for Businesses|

Your cash flow is essential right now

By Peggy:

It goes without saying that life has changed dramatically in the past five months.  COVID19 has evolved from “that outbreak overseas” to a health crisis here in U.S.  We’ve seen the progression of social distancing, school closings and state-wide lockdowns.  As a result, businesses have been divided into two basic categories—essential and non-essential.

Essential businesses, like pharmacies & grocery stores, are staying open. Non-essential businesses like lawn & garden services are expected to close until further notice. It’s hard to argue with the logic.  People need to get medications, food and supplies. People don’t need green, manicured lawns. But to say a business is non-essential is misleading.  Businesses supply more than the services they offer. […]

2021-04-03T16:00:00-04:00May 13th, 2020|Categories: Advice for Businesses, Collection|

Count Your Blessings

By Greg:

It’s been over four weeks since I left the office to work from home, and like everyone else, I have never experienced anything like this in my lifetime.  I’ve run through the whole list of emotions since this all started, and I’m starting to embrace some simple things.

  • My family and I are safe at home and healthy.
  • My co-workers are safe at home and healthy.
  • My loved ones are safe and home and healthy.

If I get depressed by anything (lack of sports, watching the news, etc.) all I need to do is remember those three things.  That should be enough for anyone, but I am fortunate enough to have other things going in my favor.  “Count […]

2020-09-27T14:13:44-04:00April 16th, 2020|Categories: Team APR|


By Ethan Drain

With the current state of our society and the spread of the new coronavirus, most people are experiencing a packed house. We are trapped inside with all the members of our family, with nowhere to go, and not much to do. Inevitably, after some time together, our patience is tested in one way or another.

We can read all of the articles about what to do and how to feel during our forced togetherness, about how to deal with being at home 24/7 where previously we were free to go anywhere and do anything, about fun activities to do with our family members, about how to keep mentally and emotionally healthy during this trying […]

2021-01-04T11:33:00-05:00April 7th, 2020|Categories: Team APR|
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