
Why cash flow is so important

There are many reasons collection agencies exist. And while many consumers do not like being on the receiving end of a communication from a collection agency, companies like ours provide a necessary service to organizations that have challenges in getting their customers and clients to pay or pay on time.

It does not matter what size your company is. You are always going to have issues around payments, invoices and getting cash in the door in a timely fashion. And there is one thing we say over and over again here at American Profit Recovery. If you are in business, people are going to owe you money. That is just a fact of operating a business […]

2021-07-23T14:11:55-04:00October 28th, 2020|Categories: Advice for Businesses, Uncategorized|

Collection agencies can help with some of your biggest concerns

The amount of concerns and issues a business owner, entrepreneur or anyone in senior leadership has on their minds on any given day can be countless to say the least. From bringing in enough business, being able to handle that business, everything to do with hiring and firing, cash flow, legal matters, and so much more. And if you are in one of these positions, then you know this all too well.

Customers and clients paying you on time or paying you at all can be one of your biggest concerns. When cash doesn’t come in the door on time, that can present a huge challenge for your organization. Not the least of which is meeting […]

2020-12-22T08:44:59-05:00October 25th, 2020|Categories: Advice for Businesses|

On the fence about hiring a collection agency?

We are going to make a bold assumption. That you have customers that have not paid you yet. They are either late in paying you, or they have not paid you at all. Whether it was an oversight, a dispute in your product or service, or maybe that customer has just struggled financially and they have decided not to pay your business. There are so many reasons why a customer or client has not paid you yet and it’s a tough situation to be in when you’re trying to improve your cash flow.

Hiring a collection agency to help with your cash flow is an important decision you need to make for your organization. The decision […]

2020-09-27T11:05:15-04:00September 30th, 2020|Categories: Advice for Businesses|

What are the best ways to get customers to pay on time?

There are not many factors that control the cash flow of a business more than customers and the time frame in which they pay for products or services. In short, customers pay late, cash flow suffers. Customers pay on time, resulting in positive cashflow. When it comes to accounts receivables, it’s that simple.

However, we are not living in an ideal world and for many in business, chasing down payments is just part of running a business. If your organization extends credit in any way, you’ll be investing some measure of resources in trying to get paid on time. From forgetful customers, disputes to a charge to the more trying cases such as customer just not […]

2020-09-27T10:50:43-04:00September 27th, 2020|Categories: Advice for Businesses|

Find a solution in every problem

By: Pocholo Alvarez 

As I come closer to my two-year anniversary here at American Profit Recovery, I can’t think of all the changes that happened ever since I walked in through the front door. Just like the majority of the world, I had a bad interpretation of what a debt collector is. After spending even the first few days in the company, I realized that the people that I work with really do care about helping our clients and consumers. It’s understandable that people are going to have a hard time with paying their debts, especially with COVID-19 affecting everyone’s lives. That’s where we step in to help, and I can truly say that American […]

2020-09-02T09:32:30-04:00September 2nd, 2020|Categories: Team APR|

Getting your business paid during COVID-19

We’re not fond of overused terms here but one we do feel is relevant during the year 2020, is that “now, more than ever,” it is mission critical to be getting paid for the work your business does and the services you provide. Regardless of the size of your organization, cash flow is something that has probably taken a hard hit during the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic fallout that came with it.

There are three factors that have played into the challenges that some businesses have had to deal with. The first is that depending on the type of job or career you have, you as a consumer may have lost that job. Take those […]

2020-08-25T13:44:33-04:00August 25th, 2020|Categories: Advice for Businesses|

We were built for this

When you make taking care of your employees your main mission as an organization, you never think that a pandemic could show you just why this is so critical to a business. While we miss the family atmosphere that once was our corporate office, the team-like way in which everyone rowed the same way, and the personal manner we help each other grow in a face to face environment, we have seen some of the most amazing teamwork during COVID-19 that we have ever seen.

We earned another spot on the Best Places to Work in Collections for the 13th year in a row this past week, and we are all very proud. As an organization, […]

2021-07-30T09:40:51-04:00August 14th, 2020|Categories: Team APR|

Lunch by Zoom

By Courtney:

Working from home has been a huge adjustment, not only for the entire company but especially the customer service department.  Back when we were in the office we were known as “the favorite row”.  When you walked down the customer service isle you could feel the great energy, always joking around & laughing.  Since this transition we have had to find new ways to keep that relationship & Zoom has been a huge tool.

One of my favorite things to do back in the office was take our monthly CSR lunch.  As long as our department hits the monthly goal, we each take turns choosing somewhere to go out to eat.  I’m sure you can […]

2020-08-10T09:19:59-04:00August 8th, 2020|Categories: Team APR|

Much more than a collector

By Angela:

As I sit back and reflect on the last few months and the changes that have taken place both within the office and personally, I can’t help but think WOW.  EVERYONE, is going through it! The good news is that American Profit Recovery is here! This may sound corny but, the reality is just that.

Sometimes I feel like I’m much more than a collector, I like to think I wear multiple hats. I’m a wife, a sister, a work team leader, a teammate, but most importantly, I’m me. In these times, even when things get rough you will learn what your capable of and the support you have had all along. I am […]

2020-08-06T13:43:03-04:00August 6th, 2020|Categories: Team APR|

Debt Collections Good For the Economy

There are many activities that help boost our economy. A healthy jobs market, business spending, banks lending money as well as consumer spending. But did you know that debt collections were also a big part of a healthy economy?

For the consumer that may be in debt or having issues trying to catch up on financial obligations, they might not think so. But the collection industry is directly responsible for putting a large amount of money back into our economy and into the hands of business. […]

2020-07-24T14:35:15-04:00July 27th, 2020|Categories: Advice for Businesses|
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