
Some of our best tips for handling debt collections internally

There are several reasons why organizations of all sizes would be looking for a debt collection agency. You may be a small business and have reached the point where you’re tired of chasing down late and nonpaying customers. Or maybe your organization regardless of the size has limited internal resources to handle the task of getting your customers to pay on time.

Whatever your reasons are, you will want to find the best agency that can understand your needs, be a great fit as well as treat your customers fairly. Because after all, treating your customers with respect is something that you would do in all aspects of doing business with them. Including, trying to get […]

2021-10-01T10:43:30-04:00September 27th, 2021|Categories: Small Business Collections|

I made the right choice working at American Profit Recovery

I had worked in debt collections before when I came to American Profit Recovery six years ago, first in collections for vehicle loans, and later for collections in mortgages.  I thought I knew what I was getting into—collections is collections, right?

BOY was I wrong!

Work life at American Profit Recovery is truly a unique atmosphere in so many ways. The managers and owners are in the trenches with us every step of the way. I couldn’t even tell you the names of the owners OR even the people in upper management at my previous employers when I worked there.

At American Profit Recovery, I usually see at least one of the owners every day and it’s a good […]

2021-09-22T09:25:54-04:00September 24th, 2021|Categories: Team APR|

How to manage your small business accounts receivables like the pros

Just because you’re managing and operating a small business doesn’t mean you need to act small. And that has never been truer than in the case of accounting, tracking the money that goes in and out of your business, and detailing exactly what your customers owe you.

Gone are the days of verbal commitments and writing orders and changes on pieces of scrap paper. And if your business is guilty of these or any other older and simplistic tactics to run your business, we have a few pieces of advice for you to make sure you can improve your cash flow and get paid for exactly what you’ve done. And keep track of it all in […]

2021-10-01T10:42:20-04:00September 22nd, 2021|Categories: Accounts Receivables|

Simple ways the customer experience improves cash flow

We always hear companies bragging about how they have the best customer service in their industry. And in recent years, what is taking shape is that the entire customer experience needs to be taken into consideration when deciding to do business with a company.

A customer experience starts from the moment they pick up the phone and inquire about your services. And it extends all the way until both customer and business have met each other’s obligations. That includes financial obligations as well.

If a customer is treated poorly during any stage of the relationship, or they feel they have not gotten the service that you promised them, that can directly affect how you get paid, when […]

2021-08-25T09:49:21-04:00August 27th, 2021|Categories: Advice for Businesses|

Improve accounts receivable process with these 6 tips

There are so many aspects to running and managing a business that you can truly enjoy. Maybe you love interacting with customers, problem solving, or working the back end, creating new products and services. You and your team should enjoy coming to work and doing what people pay you for.

But there are going to be times when customers do not pay you as we are sure you have figured out by now. And that can throw your accounts receivables into negative territory. How you manage your accounts receivables is critically important to meeting your cash flow needs as well as adhering to your own financial obligations as a business. Maybe you don’t fully enjoy the […]

2021-08-25T09:01:34-04:00August 25th, 2021|Categories: Advice for Businesses|

We are “all in” when advocating for the collection industry

Since the founding of American Profit Recovery and the day we opened our doors, we have always wanted to do what was right. That includes how we can work in the best interest of the clients that hire us, the consumers that are struggling with their finances, and the overall health and effectiveness of the collection industry.

We have always wanted to do our part.

The best collection agencies not only help clients that are struggling with cash flow and late payments, but they also advocate for what is right.

We were recently recognized by ACA International-the Association of Credit and Collection Professionals and presented with the ACA All in Award. This award is presented to agencies that […]

2021-08-11T10:49:08-04:00August 11th, 2021|Categories: Collection Industry News|

Six years helping clients and consumers

By Angela:

As I sit writing this blog, I am finding it hard to believe six years have passed since coming to American Profit Recovery. I still remember getting the call to come in for an interview and didn’t completely know what to expect or how I would be treated. Everyone associates “collection specialists, or debt collectors” as bad, mean people blowing up your phone.  But that’s just not true.

Walking into the office I was pleasantly surprised by the smiling faces and overall atmosphere. […]

2021-12-14T09:51:46-05:00August 6th, 2021|Categories: Team APR|

Don’t make these 5 mistakes when trying to collect money

Your company has done the work, you feel like the client or customer was satisfied with what you’ve done, and you’ve done your part and sent an invoice for the work provided. Most of the time, you see a check in the mail, or they arrange for other types of payments such as a credit card.

Other times, it feels like an endless waiting game to get some clients to pay. After a certain amount of time, you realize you may not be getting paid for the work you have conducted, and it is time to get a little more assertive to get that bill paid.

However, we find many companies both large and small businesses can […]

2021-08-03T09:09:23-04:00August 3rd, 2021|Categories: Small Business Collections|

Is a collection agency a great place to work?

We are often asked the question of whether working in the collection industry is a smart career choice. Our answer is simple, and it is an affirmative yes!

And there is no better evidence than earning a spot on the Best Collection Agencies to Work For list for 14 straight years now. The program is led by the independent InsideARM publication and the Best Companies Group.

Yes, we are one of the best places to work in this industry, and for good reason. […]

2023-01-30T16:08:17-05:00July 30th, 2021|Categories: Team APR|

6 things they don’t tell you about debt collectors

Do you know the truth about debt collectors?

Do you feel you know what a collector does?

Oftentimes we find that many people are unaware of certain facts about the collection industry and are even surprised when they learn more about the industry and the people that represent that industry. But don’t worry, we are here to tell you some of the things you may not be aware of when it comes to the collection industry.

Collectors and consumers can have cordial and productive discussions

In many cases a conversation between a debt collector and the consumer is respectful and at the same time productive. Debt collections has changed over the years. If you’ve seen nightly news shows over […]

2021-07-23T11:32:03-04:00July 9th, 2021|Categories: Collection Industry News|
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