It is amazing to think that we started this company 10 years ago. On one hand, it seems like yesterday and on the other, it seems like a lot longer than that! I distinctly remember the day we first walked into an empty office space having just left our jobs. The day was September 13th, 2004…..
I remember because it was my wife’s birthday that day and I got to tell her that her husband is now unemployed and starting a brand new business from scratch. Happy birthday, honey… we have no income !! She knew, as did I, that there was no doubt that we would do great things with this company. It was exciting and scary at the same time. The reasons I knew we would be successful are as follows:
1) Great partners! We all had a level of success in our previous positions and knew what it takes to get there. We all had a commitment that, in my opinion, was unparalleled. We also had the principles that this company has held closely ever since.
2) Three principles that we would instill and preach for as long as this company shall live! Work Ethic, Positive attitude and Integrity !!
3) Do the right things! For our employees, for our clients, with our vendors and in the community. You have heard it before….. do the right thing even when no-one is looking. We have constantly looked for ways to improve our company for everyone. And, we constantly look for ways to give back. You can read numerous blogs on how our employees have generously donated their time, energy and money to help those in need.
4) Hire the right people. And we have! We give all the credit to the hard-working, dedicated, and quality people that we have on our team. This company has come so far because of the efforts of our employees. We try, but don’t know if we can ever thank them enough for sharing our vision and passion in what we do.
I know I could come up with more, but these are some of the main reasons we have become a great company! I am anxious and excited to see how far we can go together in the next 10 years. We thank all of our clients for putting their faith and trust in us and the service we provide. We love helping them in their business!
Happy Anniversary APR…. cheers !
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