Here at American Profit Recovery, we encourage the constant challenge to improve yourself and your skills, and attending seminars and/or reading good material is a great way to do just that!  I recently attended a seminar hosted by the YES Network here in Michigan.  The speaker was a gentleman that I have seen before at the Michigan Bankers Association conference and I bought some of his materials back then. 

His name is Billy Riggs and I highly recommend seeing him if you get the chance.  His message for us was about “the Magic of Balance”.  He posed a question that I have heard numerous times and one that I find a lot of people can’t answer.  What would it take to make you be truly happy?  Think about that question for a minute.  No, really, think about that question for a minute.  It is not an easy question to answer….

The typical answers would be time with my family, time with friends, health…… etc., etc.  But the question really needs more thought than just that, because it is what makes us happy that we make a concentrated effort to do.  Billy went on to share his opinion on five areas to have balance.

Being strong in each of these categories will create balance and lead to happiness.

1)      Character – Without this, you will not truly be happy.  Each violation of your integrity will carry with you.  You can’t hide, it will catch up with you and lessen your happiness.  Do the right thing, even when people aren’t watching… because YOU will know.

2)      Relationships – One of the most important things to nurture.  The meaning of life will not revolve around your bank account!  People on their death bed will not discuss how much money they made or how much they have in the bank.  They will reflect on the people in their lives….. either with great joy, or sometimes with regret for not spending enough time with them.  Do not be the one with regrets!

3)      Achievement – People that are happier are ones that set goals and achieve great things!  This doesn’t necessarily have to do with work.  Do you have a bucket list?  How many things are on it?  How much time do you spend achieving the items on that list?  Make a list and review it often.  Do not spend your life as a wandering generality…. Be a meaningful specific.  Do great things and you will be much happier.

4)      Faith –  This can include God!  It is ok……. Whether that is politically correct or not.  It can also include simply devoting some of your time and yourself to a higher cause.  A good and meaningful cause… something higher than yourself.  Helping the homeless, helping abused children or women, habitat for humanity, world hunger, etc.  By giving yourself to a higher cause makes YOU feel better and happier.  There is a sense of joy and calmness that comes with Faith.

5)      Attitude – There are too many books and seminars and articles that address this, so I will not expand too much here.  However, there is a reason why attitude attracts so much attention.  Your attitude truly dictates everything in your life and the fact is, the more positive your attitude, the happier you will be!  Exclamation point on that one!

Keep in mind that each of us has our own definition of what will make us truly happy, but take some time to think about that, and then implement some of the tips and focus on what is important.  Here’s to you and to your happiness!


Published On: January 27th, 2017Categories: Advice for Businesses, Team APR

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