So, New Year’s has passed and you have seen just about every article and social media posting there is about how to make and keep your New Year’s resolutions. We all know the common ones: lose weight, exercise, get up earlier, make more money, etc…
What goals have you set for your business? Well that last one we mentioned, make more money, might be easier than you think. In fact, many businesses are leaving huge amounts of money on the table. You either don’t know it or you choose not to pursue it for any number of reasons. Now is the perfect time to resolve to make more money by making sure you’re getting the money you are already owed.
At this time of the year, you as a business are already closing the books on last year, getting ready for a new year, and if you’re savvy, taking a good look at all your business practices, internal procedures and other items that make your business tick; asking your team, how can we do things better?
This presents the perfect opportunity to review your procedures around late and non-paying customers. We believe there is always room for improvement in any business, any area of a business and its procedures for getting things moving in the right direction.
Take a few minutes and view the video below on ways to improve your accounts receivables program, get paid faster and in the end, make more money.
Here’s to a great 2015!
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