Advice for Businesses

Is there a way to tell if my customer is not going to pay my business?

We speak to business owners and other decision-makers all the time when it comes to debt collections and there is one question they ask repeatedly.

Are there any warning signs a customer is not going to pay?

And the answer is a definitive yes!

There are unquestionably signs that a customer is not going to pay and we have assembled these below. And while that is not always the case, our experts have found these are the more apparent signs of a customer not paying you in the future. You may have customers that are just disorganized at home which includes paying their bills but it’s important to keep an eye out for these warning signs.

If your business […]

Common questions a business asks before using a collection agency

Deciding to use a debt collection agency can be a big step for a business. Many business owners and other decision-makers have a number of questions they want answered before deciding to take that next step with an accounts receivable program.

They want to know that they made the best decision possible for their organization. Of course getting late and non-paying customers to the table is a top concern, there can be other concerns that a business of any size wants to address before taking the next step in debt collections.

Here are some common concerns a business may have regarding using a debt collection agency and how a reputable agency can assist in these areas.

Will we […]

Cash flow basics for a changing economy

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, and your small business can be vulnerable to cash flow issues. And economic conditions can be a major driver, whether it be negative or positive cash flow.

Without a steady flow of cash, your small business could struggle to meet your own financial obligations, attend to basic expenses, meet payroll, invest in growth and so much more.

If you are worried about cash flow in your small business this year, it is time to revisit some ways that can affect positive cash flow. While using a debt collection agency is one strategy, many more factors affect positive cash flow.

Economic conditions are going to affect your cash flow

Our changing economy […]

5 things your business should never do when trying to collect a debt

One of the more frustrating parts of running any type of business is when customers pay late or do not pay at all. We’re confident you would agree with that statement.

As a debt collection agency that works with small business and large organizations, we hear the disappointments regularly from people just like you we are consulting with.

When we conduct our free consultations for debt collections, it’s one of the first things we hear. Business owners, and others that are part of the accounts receivables process continue to experience the aggravations of getting certain customers to pay.

While there are endless reasons why customers become delinquent on their financial obligations to your business, business owners tell […]

Ready for more on-time payments this year? Do these now

A New Year is upon us and hopefully a new season of busy activity for all you small business operators.

Whether you are a lawn care or landscaping professional, contractor, a plumber or electrician or any small business that gets busy during the spring and summer months, it’s time to review your accounts receivable process before you get too busy.

Yes we’ve spoken about this before but have you really taken the time to button things up and improve your procedures?

If not, carve out some time before you get busy and make these happen.

Why? Because one of the biggest reasons small businesses suffer from cash flow problems is the time between service and actual payment.

Want to get […]

2023-02-27T08:52:30-05:00February 27th, 2023|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Advice for Businesses, Small Business Collections|

Questions to ask a commercial collection agency before hiring

A commercial collection agency is an agency that works to resolve debt between two businesses. Commonly known as B2B debt collections, it’s the process of mediating financial disputes and overdue invoices owed to a commercial client.

In many cases, these invoices and balances due can add up to a substantial amount of money. If, for example you are in manufacturing or distribution and you extend credit in the form of pallets of products, you’ll want to know how quickly you can get paid for those orders.

Because these invoices can represent large sums of money for an organization, many companies rely on the expertise of a commercial collection agency to improve cash flow.

If you are an organization […]

2023-02-17T09:28:53-05:00February 9th, 2023|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Advice for Businesses|

Keeping the lines of communication as open as possible when collecting debt

By Brian L.

The saying goes, “actions speak louder than words” when it comes to showing who you are or what you are capable of accomplishing. In the debt collection industry, words are what speak louder than actions.  Your choice of words will determine what actions follow.

With conversations being made over the phone, the opportunity is there to build a relationship with a consumer so that both parties can come to an understanding, reaching a resolution that may have been a long time in the making. […]

2023-01-15T12:21:18-05:00January 5th, 2023|Categories: Advice for Businesses, Team APR|

4 proven ways to make debt collections easier for your business

Just about every business we encounter wants to make the process of getting paid on time much easier. Getting late-paying customers to the table and small business debt collections can become an area where many organizations just do not have the available resources.

Take, for example, the lawn care company that works from sunrise to sunset and deals with a labor shortage. Implementing an easier method to collect payments becomes mission-critical for that business.

If your business has been struggling with cash flow and getting your customers to pay on time, check out these four tips our debt collection experts have come up with to make getting paid on time easier for any size organization.

What happens when debt collectors are nice to consumers?

Consumers and the business community should be comforted knowing there has been a consistent industry-wide effort in collections to humanize the process. More and more collection agencies understand the value and critical nature of tactful and respectful communications with consumers.

Why is this important for the public to understand?

Any business transaction should be conducted by interested parties that can come together. The process of debt collections should be no different.

So what happens when consumers are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve? […]

2022-12-29T15:52:15-05:00December 29th, 2022|Categories: Advice for Businesses, Advice for Consumers, Team APR|
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