Accounts Receivables

Ready for more on-time payments this year? Do these now

A New Year is upon us and hopefully a new season of busy activity for all you small business operators.

Whether you are a lawn care or landscaping professional, contractor, a plumber or electrician or any small business that gets busy during the spring and summer months, it’s time to review your accounts receivable process before you get too busy.

Yes we’ve spoken about this before but have you really taken the time to button things up and improve your procedures?

If not, carve out some time before you get busy and make these happen.

Why? Because one of the biggest reasons small businesses suffer from cash flow problems is the time between service and actual payment.

Want to get […]

2023-02-27T08:52:30-05:00February 27th, 2023|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Advice for Businesses, Small Business Collections|

Questions to ask a commercial collection agency before hiring

A commercial collection agency is an agency that works to resolve debt between two businesses. Commonly known as B2B debt collections, it’s the process of mediating financial disputes and overdue invoices owed to a commercial client.

In many cases, these invoices and balances due can add up to a substantial amount of money. If, for example you are in manufacturing or distribution and you extend credit in the form of pallets of products, you’ll want to know how quickly you can get paid for those orders.

Because these invoices can represent large sums of money for an organization, many companies rely on the expertise of a commercial collection agency to improve cash flow.

If you are an organization […]

2023-02-17T09:28:53-05:00February 9th, 2023|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Advice for Businesses|

4 proven ways to make debt collections easier for your business

Just about every business we encounter wants to make the process of getting paid on time much easier. Getting late-paying customers to the table and small business debt collections can become an area where many organizations just do not have the available resources.

Take, for example, the lawn care company that works from sunrise to sunset and deals with a labor shortage. Implementing an easier method to collect payments becomes mission-critical for that business.

If your business has been struggling with cash flow and getting your customers to pay on time, check out these four tips our debt collection experts have come up with to make getting paid on time easier for any size organization.

4 more myths about debt collections DEBUNKED

Have you ever wanted to know the real story behind the debt collection industry? Want to get the inside scoop on how things really are in the world of debt collections? We got you covered here!

There are untold amounts of myths regarding collection agencies and how they operate. And even more myths about how they interact and work with consumers. So we thought we would share a little bit of inside baseball when it comes to debt collections and debunk many of the myths that people share.

Think you know everything about the debt collection industry? Our team dispels four more myths about debt collections below. […]

2022-12-21T10:01:54-05:00December 23rd, 2022|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Advice for Businesses, Advice for Consumers|

I don’t think my business can afford to use a collection agency-Now what?

Hold on… not so fast!

Before your business decides it’s not a good idea to use a collection agency or you simply cannot afford it, we have a few pieces of advice you should consider before shutting the door on getting third-party help. There is much more to consider before you decide not to use a collection agency to improve your cash flow.

If you have customers that continue to pay late, customers that don’t pay at all or both, check out our reasons to seriously consider getting help from a reputable collection agency. […]

2022-09-15T07:46:45-04:00September 14th, 2022|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Advice for Businesses, Small Business Collections|

Reasons why now is a good time to review your accounts receivables

Your accounts receivables never sleep and it’s always a great time to review your procedures and make any adjustments necessary. After all, the health of your business depends on it.

And as we approach the last quarter of 2022, it’s a smart idea to take a pause and conduct a thorough review of all your accounts receivable procedures including how you handle late and non-paying customers. The economy is changing rapidly as well as the job market and other external factors that we all need to keep a pulse on as we approach 2023.

You may feel you have a handle on your accounts receivables, but if you take a step back, you may find otherwise.

As […]

2022-09-12T09:31:17-04:00September 12th, 2022|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Advice for Businesses|

Do not put off hiring a collection agency this year

Our economy is changing, and you need to be ready!

If your business has thought about hiring a collection agency to improve cash flow, but has never made a firm decision, you’ll want to listen up. Economic conditions are changing rapidly, and your ability to weather the shifting conditions could rely on just a few basic principles and techniques in your business. If you don’t get ahead of the moving economic landscape that is taking shape in our country, you will look back and wish you decided much sooner.

As the economy continues to change, here are several issues your organization needs to consider to stay healthy and maintain positive cashflow. […]

4 little known benefits of using a debt collection agency

When running any type of business, you are obviously dealing with clients and customers who ultimately need to pay you for your goods and services. But we all know that there are a certain percentage of your customer’s over time that will drag out payments, not pay you at all, or run into circumstances where they lose the ability to meet their financial obligations.

Many businesses have the best of payment terms and expectations, but there are always circumstances that arise with certain customers that you’ll need to address when it comes to getting paid on time.

Most people understand the basic concept of a collection agency. Customers do not pay, and your business sends those accounts […]

2022-07-19T11:16:30-04:00July 19th, 2022|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Advice for Businesses|

Is your accounts receivable program ready for a new economy?

Consumers as well as the business community have been through a lot during the two-plus years of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses had to drastically alter the way they conducted business and many as you know all too well were forced to shut down completely temporarily.

Consumers either lost their jobs, had their hours cut back depending on the industry they worked in, or decided to take on new careers. Consumers were also left with a whole host of other challenges including finding the products and services they use frequently and of course meeting their financial obligations.

The effects of the pandemic continue to cause challenges for consumers and the US economy as well as […]

2022-06-16T09:25:10-04:00June 20th, 2022|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Advice for Businesses|

Improving Your Accounts Receivable Process

The size of your business does not matter when it comes to accounts receivables. If you are running any type of business, accounts receivable management is part of managing a business that has positive cash flow. Paying attention to AR management is a critical component of keeping any business alive.

Because we are part of the process of managing accounts receivables for large businesses as well as small organizations, our experts have a pulse on what you need to know to ensure that internally you’re doing everything properly and when situations arise where you are not getting paid, to understand what assistance is available to you in the form of a third party.

Our experts here […]

2022-05-24T12:23:23-04:00May 1st, 2022|Categories: Accounts Receivables|
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