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So far APR has created 285 blog entries.

Should I Take On Debt in My Small Business?

As a collection agency for small businesses of all kinds, you probably know our philosophy on debt. Well, because we’re working hard to resolve that debt for our clients day in and day out.  That’s what we do. Resolve debt.

The individuals, and in many cases, other small businesses we are calling on, are in some kind of debt. For whatever reason, they are not paying their bills on time or paying them at all and most times, there is a reason. Debt, in most cases has a negative association attached to it because so many get in trouble with it.

But is all debt bad? It all depends on who you ask but the main theory […]

2021-06-16T09:22:48-04:00March 14th, 2019|Categories: Small Business Collections|

Big money mistakes your business is making

Do you always wonder where all your money went in your small business? Are you constantly frustrated that when you check your bank statements, that you have less money than you thought you had? Do your customers pay you late or not pay you at all?

You are not alone. Many that are running small businesses will tell you that they have gone through a period of time where they did not pay as much attention to their finances as they should have.

And collection agencies that work with small business will also tell you that for many, cash flow is a top concern of those running a small business. We get calls all the time from […]

2020-09-27T11:59:47-04:00March 10th, 2019|Categories: Advice for Businesses|

Braving the cold weather and water for a great reason

By Curtis:

On February 23rd a team of American Profit Recovery team members braved the freezing weather to participate in a cause we all believe in at an event we’ve loved for years. The 2019 Polar Plunge to help raise money for Special Olympics Michigan. It was my second time jumping and I have to say, it’s one of my favorite ways to raise money for anything. Our kind hosts at Fork & Pint put forth a great effort assisting with the event, and thousands of dollars are raised each year. Having known a good handful of Special Olympics athletes over the years I can say it’s a great pleasure to assist in find them some […]

2020-09-27T12:11:34-04:00March 10th, 2019|Categories: Community Outreach, Team APR|

How can I increase my profits quickly?

As a collection agency that works with small business, we are always in a discussion with our clients and others about how to increase profits. As you might imagine, when your business is owned money, and that money continues to be late, or doesn’t show up at all, your profits are going to suffer. Not only will your profits take a hit, but your cash flow and your ability to meet your own financial obligations. In short, it can cause a chain reaction in your business.

And while making sure your customers pay you on time is one of the best ways to keep your profits […]

2020-11-30T16:16:58-05:00February 12th, 2019|Categories: Advice for Businesses|

Take the plunge with us!

By Joe:

Let’s stop the talking about the polar vortex and the -20 F weather outside and talk about something more fun. Here at American Profit Recovery, we are talking about the Special Olympics Polar Plunge.  This is where we jump into a Michigan lake in February!  This will be the seventh year that our team has participated in this event.  Last year, we dressed as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and a couple years before that before that we dressed as Oompa Loompas from “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.”  (That was my favorite)  Got an idea for this year? Please send us any costume suggestions for 2019.

2021-01-31T14:53:59-05:00February 8th, 2019|Categories: Community Outreach|

Where Can I Find Unclaimed Money?

We bet if you turn your mattress over, clean out your car and check the laundry, you’ll be sure to find at least a few dollars. That’s a good start. And guess what, there are even more places that you can find lost and unclaimed money for both personal and business. And it might be more than just spare change.

Each year, there is an estimated $58 billion in unclaimed money in the United States. And there’s got to be a few bucks for you lying around somewhere.

For both individuals and families, there are countless sources of unclaimed money out there just waiting to be spoken for and if you do a little bit of homework […]

2021-04-03T15:35:29-04:00February 1st, 2019|Categories: Advice for Businesses, Advice for Consumers|

What happens when I turn over my customers to collections?

For a business that has worked very hard to acquire a new customer and put additional resources into keeping that customer, the thought of having to send that customer to collections, often causes them to take a pause. For many in business, it’s a big step to have to take when it comes to having to use the services of a collection agency. The biggest fear? That business will lose that customer forever and they will tell others that you sent them to a debt collector. And, they still won’t get paid.

For many small businesses, it takes tremendous effort to acquire new customers and you do not want to have to get to the point […]

2021-04-03T15:22:47-04:00January 29th, 2019|Categories: Advice for Businesses|

Eat something that frightens you

By Mike Hiller:

I’m a foodie so when I hear ‘Eat something that frightens you,’ the words get committed to my long-term memory bank. Must have happened across this advice from the radio or I read it in a paperback book maybe. Can’t say that public speaking, or confined spaces, heights, or things that go bump in the night, or even spiders scare me all that much. Killed plenty of creepy crawlies in the name of machismo; let a few go in the name of feminism too. You’ve seen tarantulas for sale at exotic stores as pets. Many of their various species are in fact quite docile. […]

2022-03-27T12:11:02-04:00January 23rd, 2019|Categories: Advice for Businesses, Advice for Consumers|

Budget Basics for Small Business

You may be one of them but we find that there are many small businesses out there that do not even have a budget. And as a collection agency that works with small business, we find that kind of troubling.  A budget can mean the difference between being profitable and, well, not making a profit. And we all know what happens when our business cannot turn a profit.

Having even a simple budget can make all the difference in the world. Your budget is essentially your roadmap for the year or a given period of time, as we are sure you are aware of. And while you might be aware of what a budget is, you […]

2020-09-27T12:25:50-04:00January 2nd, 2019|Categories: Advice for Businesses, Uncategorized|

A Common Misconception

By: Gabrielle: 

A common misconception of debt collectors is that they are all mean, tough, and demand money immediately. While that could be true for some places, most often the goal of a debt collector is to help consumers find a way out of their debt, while also helping businesses to stay afloat, and stay out of debt. I believe what sets American Profit Recovery apart from other collection agencies, is the customer service that we present to all parties involved in the collections process, and the care given to each consumer we are working with. […]

2020-09-17T10:01:17-04:00December 19th, 2018|Categories: Advice for Businesses|
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