American Profit Recovery is a great place to build a career. Since 2008 we have been ranked as one of the best places to work in collections. And that comes straight from our team members.

For over a decade, we’ve gone through a time-consuming survey process that methodically ranks the best places to work in the collection industry. And it is well worth the effort. This survey involves ownership and team members and gives a complete snapshot of the employee experience.

One overarching part of that employee experience is the opportunity to help others. Because we know the only way to build a healthy and meaningful culture is to provide an environment where people feel fulfilled about the work they are conducting.

We continue to be one of the best places to work in debt collections because of our focus on these key areas.

Employee fulfillment is mission-critical

Our team members are encouraged to help consumers navigate difficult financial situations. In fact it’s the way we do business. We produce results for the businesses that hire us by helping their customers. That gives our team members a sense of purpose, emotional rewards through acts of kindness and an overall positive work environment. The bottom line is that building a culture of helping others fosters a positive environment where our team feels valued.

Sharing similar values with employees

If you’re going to build a healthy and valuable culture in any organization, there will need to be an alignment of values. This is especially important as we see a younger generation coming into the workforce. Those values include conducting meaningful work, social responsibility, community involvement and mutual support among team members. All are present here and our employees feel proud to work for a company that stands for these values.

A culture of helping builds retention and loyalty

We are celebrating our 20th year in business in 2024 and there are many team members that have been with us right from the start. We are proud of that accomplishment, and we have many long-term employees who have built great careers because of the culture we have all built together. This company works off of strong relationships, engaged employees and a rock-solid support system for everyone.

A culture of helping builds collaboration

Let’s face it, not every debt collection call is going to end on a positive note. No matter how nice our collectors are, some people are just facing difficult situations, and it comes out as anger and frustration. And that’s when our team members help each other. We have built a safe place where team members are supported whether it’s a difficult collection call or they need resources to do their job. Everyone understands that helping each other do our job continues to build a thriving culture.

Helping equals results

It’s an indisputable fact that a business will perform better when employees are happy and fulfilled, feel supported, and are provided with a healthy career path.

No matter who we are helping, whether it’s our clients, the consumer or the overall team, we have built an environment where everyone’s here wants to do better, wants to do the right thing and when that happens, we see business success and results.

Healthy and thriving cultures equal business success. And we have found that by prioritizing helping others we have built a more resilient, adaptable and effective organization.

Our leadership team’s goal from the very beginning was to build an organization that would be one of the best places to work in the collection industry. We’re proud to say we’ve achieved that goal since 2008.

If you are ready to build a thriving career with a safe and supportive team, please check out our career page. We think you’ll find this one of the best places to build a rewarding and long-term career.

Published On: August 5th, 2024Categories: Team APR

Need to discuss your debt collection needs with APR?  Call (800) 711-0023 or use the form below to request more information.

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