By Greg:
It’s been over four weeks since I left the office to work from home, and like everyone else, I have never experienced anything like this in my lifetime. I’ve run through the whole list of emotions since this all started, and I’m starting to embrace some simple things.
- My family and I are safe at home and healthy.
- My co-workers are safe at home and healthy.
- My loved ones are safe and home and healthy.
If I get depressed by anything (lack of sports, watching the news, etc.) all I need to do is remember those three things. That should be enough for anyone, but I am fortunate enough to have other things going in my favor. “Count your blessings” everyone says. Well, I would need a calculator to count mine.
I work for a company that went out of its way to ensure the safety of its employees by dropping everything to get them the resources they need to be able to work from home. Moreover, American Profit Recovery continues to monitor state and federal changes in the industry to help us remain compliant in these trying times for consumers.
I also work with some of the most positive and compassionate people I have ever met. They continue to make me proud of what I do for a living, and have made this working from home experience more enjoyable by sharing their experiences and best practices. (Not to mention some pretty funny photos) Their compassion is most obvious when they are on calls with consumers who (like all of us) are struggling during these new and uncertain times.
As a nation and as a world, we are going to get through this the same way American Profit Recovery is. By working together, offering support and compassion, and staying positive. Someday this will be a memory, and I truly believe we will look back on this crisis as a time when many people came together for the common good. I am certain that when my eleven year old daughter is grown up and raising her own family, I would give anything for my wife and I to be able to have the time we have with her now.
How’s that for thinking positive!!
Stay safe everyone…
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